
Monday 30 January 2012

figma Hastune Miku comparison

Since I appear to have many a figma Miku in my hands, I was looking at selling one off.  the only condition was that if I had a duplicate body, then I could happily get rid of one, as the others are the same.  After perusing the Good Smile Company’s website, where they have a list of the figmas that they have released, I was in good mind to drop one, as it appears all the Mikus they have use the same basic body and similar colours just with extra accessories.

However, after having a look at my Cheerful Japan version and the one I was looking at selling, the pictures on the GSC website are different between the figures, but to me they weren’t all that noticeable as to which was what.  So I went about digging them all out and thought I would compile a little “Know you figma Miku'” article.

The first one released was Product Number 014, Miku Hatsune, sculpted by Masaka Aspy.  Seen on GSC’s page here. Released September 2008.

The second release was the di: stage version with the product number of EX003, as seen on GSC’s site here.  This was a Wonderfest  Exclusive version released in July 2009.  It came with quite a few extra bits, and a cardboard stage.

The third release was the Cheerful Japan version, which was released November 2011 and part proceeds wen to the relief effort for the sufferers of the Touhoku Earthquake, tsunami and nuclear problem.  GSC Page here.  This one is product number 114.

Ok, so starting with number 14, normal Miku. Her box looks like this.

Standard figma box for a smaller figma.

She looks like this,
She has a dark gun metal grey vest on and black glossy tights.  Each version’s hair and correspondingly coloured clothing is a different shade of aqua as well.  The best way I think  to describe the shade of hair is this one’s is the most dark green in colour.

Di: Stage version is next on the list.

Her box is considerably larger.
Di Stage Miku Box

She looks like this


Her vest is a lighter metallic almost silver in colour,  and her tights are a lighter glossy black with metallic flecks in them.  Her hair is the most blue of the three.  This one looks pretty close to the Chogokin Miku that was also a Wonderfest exclusive as well.

Finally we have the Cheerful Japan version.  She has the same size box as #14.


And she looks like this.

Her vest is a plain grey colour and her tights are black, but not as deeply black as the 014 version.  She has the lightest green hair out of the three.


lying them all on top of each other, from bottom to top, we have #014, Di: Stage, and Cheerful.  you can see that the vest is the easiest way to see the differences.

The hair, is hard for my camera to cope with.  There are very subtle shading differences to them, which it doesn’t like.  Must be the same issue that it has with purples as well.
My attempt at showing the hair shades, again bottom to top, 014, Di: Stage and Cheerful.

So there we go, that is the difference between all the Mikus of that sculpt.  Hope that helps a bit in the knowledge of someone.  Looking now I see the differences on GSC website, but before, no matter how many times I looked before they didn’t really stand out all that to me.

It appears I have 5 Mikus now.  Here they all are in a Miku Group shot.


In order of release L-R we have:

  • #014 Normal (gun metal vest)
  • #EX003 Di: Stage Miku (Silver vest)
  • #100 Append Miku
  • #114 Cheerful Japan (Grey vest)
  • SP036 Racing Miku 2011


  1. Cual recomiendas entre las 3? :v

    1. Out of these 3, Di:Stage version. However, now there is also figma 200, Miku using the figma 2.0 body type. That one isn't on this list. However I would recommend that one over these other ones.


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