
Monday 9 April 2012

Mortal Kombat 6 inch Raiden

6 inch Raiden Head
So after messing about and finally getting around to posting about the Lightning Fury Raiden, I have recently gotten my act together and have the normal version of Raiden photographed and ready to rock and roll.  Now, if I were slightly organised at times, I would have a video review ready to rock and roll, but until later I won’t.  So as a result, I am going to type up what I think and do a video review at a later date.

And here the video review be.  I still have a load of pics and blurb after the jump, so I thoroughly recommend having a look.

And thus we move forever forward towards the mighty 15cm of plastic that has formed a shape resembling Raidn from Mortal Kombat 9, I guess.  I am not entirely up on my costume advancement of the MK universe…

The box, the first noticeable thing with this one is that there is a lit of red and flames.  I will have a comparison shot with the Lightning version as well, which has a lot more lightning and blue.

Lightning Fury Raiden6inchRaiden (1)

The back is different with the old red vs blue going on.  They do have different bar codes, I assume this is due to the TRU sticker slapped on the front.

Raiden (2)6inchRaiden (2)

What I find a little funny, is the ages.  One side says for ages 3 and up, while on the opposite corner, there is a 17+ sign.   Surely the 17+ can’t be for the toy?  The game perhaps?  Aside from the nature of the game, I can’t see any reason why as there is nothing offensive about the toy.

6inchRaiden (3)6inchRaiden (4)

Now onto the toy!

6inchRaiden (5)6inchRaiden (6)

It has over 15 points of articulation (according to the box) and I agree.  It has a lot!  Colour wise it is faithful to the game and has some very nice shading on the clothes, his right bicep for example and the blue on the back of his shirt. 

6inchRaiden (13)6inchRaiden (18)

It comes across in two ways to me.  The first is to break up the monotony of white on his clothes.  Full white is nice on a character with atrsight edges, let’s say for example, a Transformer/Robot.  But on more flowing designs it would look a bit, cheap I think.  The second is that it adds a bit of ‘grit’ to the toy as well.  After all, Mortal Kombat is known for being rough, a shiny n clean Raiden would look out of place.

6inchRaiden (7)6inchRaiden (8)6inchRaiden (9)6inchRaiden (10)

Impressive sculpting and fairly clean paint apps add to the look nicely.  I only just noticed now, but I see that his collar has a ring of gold paint around it.  Nice!  I really dig the design on his shoulder guards and it’s nice to finally be able to see it.  It isn’t so east to see on Fury Raiden.  The grey paint they have used is a tad think on this one though.  A thinner paint would have probably had the same effect.  The buttons look well done too and the badge on his chest appears to be a sticker, hmm, maybe not.  It almost looks tampographed on.

6inchRaiden (15)6inchRaiden (14)

His hat comes off and actually sits a little bit better than Fury Raidens.  The layer of paint on his head must just add that little bit extra to hold it tighter.  As you can see the sculpt on the hat is nice, conveys the look of straw and swirls out from the middle.

His face is grumpy looking and looks pretty good.  Even with his hat off and his little head gear on.  No pupils in his eyes, he is after all a god of Thunder.

6inchRaiden (11)6inchRaiden (12)

His legs are well articulated, the only real issue I have is the same as the one I stated on Fury Raiden.  That being, his greaves go over the top of his foot, so to angle his foot up, you have to move it to the side a bit.  Small whinge, but that’s the way it is.  Paint work is good.  The greaves are grey, with gold outlines and have black painted straps on them.  The straps cut into his pant legs a bit, a good effect to show he wears puffy pants.  M.C Hammer fan anyone?  Every time I look at this figure, I discover a little bit more I like. 

6inchRaiden (16)6inchRaiden (17)

The blue erm, groin hanger ( !?) is softer plastic and can be bent a little bit.  To be really honest though, it’s thing enough to not get in the way anyway.  The hip sculpt is more like to get in the way of an awesome pose more than his clothing.

And speaking of posing, it’s play time!!  With a special guest appearance from Lightning Fury Raiden as well!!  P1 and P2?

6inchRaiden (19)6inchRaiden (20)6inchRaiden (21)6inchRaiden (25)

Balance is pretty good and his joints are tighter than Fury Raiden.  I guess it is the type of plastic used.  Even though I mainly got this normal Raiden because he was in a pack with Scorpion and Subzero, I think I like it.  Let’s face it, I was going to anyway having experienced the glow version first, but even if I hadn’t, I’d still be impressed with articulation and sculpting on this toy.  Although there is a lack of major limb bending (none of the joints appear to go beyond 45 degrees), Raiden still manages to look pretty cool with his “I’m just standing around, awaiting something violent to happen” stance.

And for final photo, check out my “Mighty, Fighty, Lighty”  GIF.


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