
Wednesday 13 June 2012

Let me show you my Stocking…

So essentially, the left over bits from my video review are contained within here.  There are some bits that the video camera just couldn’t nab.  Plus I prefer the photograph side of things.  Anyway, here are some extra pictures of Stocking, from Panty and Stocking.  Made by Sentinel from their Rio :Bone line.

More pictures after the jump!  Woo hooo!

Oh and Panty is here.

It is a worthy toy, coping fairly well with the thing I was worried about the most, the hair.  Then I found myself a bit annoyed by the fact that she fell apart all the damn time.  Hopefully mine is just a bad quality one, which I will have to see about fixing up.  Sigh.  Anyway, on to the pictures.


Nice standard looking box, I feel it will looks pretty cool on a bookshelf next to Panty’s.

Like so.  Even on the side.

She comes with extra faces, hands and weapons.  Oh and naked legs! Woooo!  Plus some glasses for Panty and Stocking.  Very nice!

Her colours look great and you can see that her hair is made of two chunks of plastic.  Her bangs are a bit softer than the rest.  The pink underneath is really cool.  I love this Gothic girl!

Stocking Anarchy (18)Stocking Anarchy (20)
Without her hair to hide behind.

Stocking Anarchy (21)Stocking Anarchy (22)Stocking Anarchy (23)Stocking Anarchy (24)Stocking Anarchy (62)

Her Honekoneko is really cute and hangs off the arm easily.

Stocking Anarchy (25)Stocking Anarchy (26)Stocking Anarchy (27)Stocking Anarchy (29)Stocking Anarchy (30)Stocking Anarchy (35)Stocking Anarchy (36)Stocking Anarchy (37)
She comes with a lot of nice accessories to play with er, pose with.

Stocking Anarchy (39)
It scares me at how thing this wrist joints are!!

Stocking Anarchy (40)Stocking Anarchy (41)Stocking Anarchy (42)Stocking Anarchy (43)Stocking Anarchy (44)Stocking Anarchy (45)Stocking Anarchy (46)Stocking Anarchy (47)Stocking Anarchy (53)Stocking Anarchy (59)Stocking Anarchy (60)Stocking Anarchy (57)Stocking Anarchy (58)

Stocking Anarchy (63)Stocking Anarchy (65)Stocking Anarchy (66)Stocking Anarchy (67)Stocking Anarchy (68)Stocking Anarchy (69)

IMG_3985IMG_3986IMG_3987IMG_3989Stocking Anarchy (48)Stocking Anarchy (49)Stocking Anarchy (50)Stocking Anarchy (51)Stocking Anarchy (54)Stocking Anarchy (56)


  1. Hi, I bought this figure, and as soon as I got it, I was changing her hands, then one of the wrist joints got stuck as I try to get it out, it broke. I am fairly sad right now. :( Do you possibly have a fix for this?

    1. Oh man that sucks and I feel your pain.
      I would suggest getting a small drill bit and gently drilling the peg into nothingness. Or heat up a needle, plunge it into the peg, allow it to cool and try getting it out that way. Then try and match up a stronger joint that fits as well. I haven't touched mine since the review and am packing for moving, so I can't grab it to see what fits.

      A small revoltech joint looks like it 'might' fit. (untested though)

      If you find a good fit, let me know, I can imagine there are going to be others like this as well.

      Good luck, sorry I can't be much more help.


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