
Wednesday 10 February 2016

Looks a lot like Voltron - King of Beast

This was a whacky one.  What started off as me messing about with my new Voltron CD and making a parody introduction, ended up turning into a review.  Which I was never really entirely satisfied with.  After recording the talky-talk (yeah, professional terms here folks) about 3 times, I gave up and edited the video for a shorter video.  Original length of 25 min, way too long to be bored I thought, so I've managed to chop it down to a more bearable 14 min.

So in the end I have a video I am mostly satisfied with, but I just realised that I forgot to cover two things, the alternate face and his shield thing, and on top of that, I don't even have any photos.  Whoops.

This is Madtoys' King Of Beast.  Essentially a third party Voltron toy.  It certainly beats the snot out of the Toynami Masterpiece Voltron by about a quazilbajillion percent (may not  be a real number).  This year's Wonderfest has also unveiled a licensed version of this very toy as the REAL thing.


So, I guess, you could consider this a prototype review.  Ooooh, I son't think I have any prototypes of any toys!

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