
Sunday 8 January 2017

Scourge Legends Comic Translation

Happy new year!  A bit late, but here I have for you a translation of Scourge’s Legends comic.  Once again in Arrowed, arrowless and Japanese versions.  Some notes at the end of the post for reading accessibility and because it’s a pretty weird story.

Toy review is here, along with Bio Translation



Tets Toys & Shenanigans

  • Obviously AI is a police officer Looking for Alpha Trion.  In The Ultra Magnus comic (WIP), if I remember correctly I believe AT says he has left over power of the Matrix in him.   Hence the Old Man Matrix.
  • In the 5th Panel, with AI complaining about the number of Sweeps, the FX say “wai.”  “Wai wai” is an onomatopoeia for excitement/lots of movement.  I couldn’t think of a way to make that work.  Although just now I thought I could have used “bustle bustle.”  Oh well.
  • In the 8th Panel, the red FX as Scourge exits the room is phonetically “doar”.  So since he’s making a hole to get out, I decided that the best way to spell it was door.  
  • Shockwave and Cancer are at a summer festival.  The Legends world is primarily set in Japan and during summer, there are many festivals that culminate in a fireworks display.   Obviously the explosion of Scourge and the falling Sweeps are seen as the fireworks.  Scourge was released in Summer in Japan, along with Shockwave, Cancer and Blurr, a nice little touch.
  • Zodiac Power is a reference to a mystical power that first appeared in Transformers Zone. 

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