
Monday 11 March 2019

Tets goes to the Bumblebee Cafe, 2019

With the long awaited release of the Bumblebee movie here in Japan (the wait for movies here is nuts!), comes the push for promotion.  This time we have a Bumblebee themed cafe.  NOICE.

The cafe is a normal cafe that adopts a theme for a certain while and has some novelty food and drinks set up.  There was  one that did a Sonic theme a while ago that I kind of wanted to go to, but couldn't be that bothered to.  

Anyway, I got up and got my lay butt outta bed and made my way there today!  Just for the record, it was windy and stormy the night before and my bed was extra comfy this morning.

However, preparations started long before!

To get in the mood, I dished out my Bumblebee underpants!
After all if ya gonna ride, ride in style!

After getting equipped, I made my way to the trains and the trip to Ikebukurou, it was a pleasant enough train ride with no hassles.  Yay!

After getting my bearings, I managed to find the place, it stuck out quite a bit.  The front looked like this.

Strangley absent of customers, or so I thought.  It turns out that the main section is behind the wall, there are a few tables on the right just as you enter, but the majority of the cafe is back.  Nice and private.

When I got there, there were about 4 groups of customers there.  I was seated at a little table in the back corner and perused the menu as well as the table and scenery.  

There was a standee so ou could have your photo taken with Bumblebee if you wanted to.

The table was soon adorned with a cute place-mat that in photos would looks 3d.  Each table also had a Turbochange Bumblebee toy on it with instructions on how to transform it on the back.  Naturally I had a go and it was surprisingly fun.  I could see myself vroom-vrooming it around quite easily.

First off, my dodgy phone picture:

Bumblebee Eggs  Benedict plate
Underneath, Strong Cheese Sauce Bumblebee Mentaiko Carbonara Omu Rice
Dessert: Fruity Bumblebee Yellow Waffle
Bumblebee Honey Latte

Followed by the one stolen from Takaratomy's site:

Bumblebee Citrus Paffe with Energon cubes.
Carbonara Cheese again.
Decepticon Purple Lemon Soda
Autobot Red Rasberry soda. 

I ordered the omu rice.  For those unfamiliar with the oddities of Japanese food, Omu Rice is usually a plain omlette layered over fried rice (usually with tomato flavour) and a bit of tomato sauce (or ketchup) splotted on the top.  Hence the combination of Omu (Omlette) and Rice.  I also ordered the Honey latte, as the other drinks would juts be purple lemonade/red raspberry fizzy drinks.   Plus coffee is good.

My food arrived soon enough.

Followed soon after by my coffee.  I was really hungry, so I didn't wait before eating.  

The food wasn't too bad but wasn't as hot as it should have been and the coffee was nice, but had can-cream/whip on the top (I hate the taste and texture of that stuff) so I munched on the Autobot symbol of the coffee and then scooped out the cream.

The Omu Rice had nicely cooked eggs though and despite the cool of the meal was ok.  

After having an eat I went for a little stroll, as the people near me had keft their booth and I wass feeling game.

The autographed board just says
"To the Bumblebee cafe people"
And it's signed by the Japanese actor who does Bumblebee's voice work.

The bookshelf section is what was hiding the main are of the cafe from view when you walk up.  They had a bunch of toys in there, mostly Masterpieces and some bits n pieces.  They had the OLD masterpiece Bumblebee displayed, but nothing else new or worth mentioning.  

On the side they had some Generations Magazine/books which I spent a while looking through a couple, but that's all there was Transformer related.  

While I read trough those book, I had a cappuccino (just a  normal one) and chilled for a bit more.  There weren't many people coming and going, but it was steady.
Cappuccino was weaker than I liked, but I do prefer strong coffee.

Finally I decided it was time to go and I made my way out.  Payed for my stuff (about 2500 yen) and took a final picture of this light up Bee thing which was cute.

I want it.

Then I caught the train again and got a haircut.  I don't think I'll go to the cafe again, but there is a Gallery opening up on the 15th which I might go to at the Parco (that's the building the Cafe was in).  Again, another trip to Ikebukurou, it doesn't smell so good around there.

1 comment:

  1. Finally! An insider's look as to what all the *buzz* is about!


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