
Sunday 15 July 2018

The State of Shenanigans

Whooo wee, it's been a long while since I've posted.

Well, let's just say that I am still around, juts not as active as I'd like.  A new job that drains one's energy with a long commute has lessened my down-time somewhat.

However never fear, despite the lack of posts, I am still playing with toys.  I'd like to get into reviews again, which I dropped off doing, as t took me too long to set up the table and stuff for quality picture taking.  So to counter this, I'm going to do some "Quick n Nasty" reviews, which will be quick setup and probably shot with my telephone instead of my camera.

Hopefully the comments to go with the pictures will make up for the quality.

Comic translations take up a fair bit of time and I'm still doing them.  I'm pleased to say that I have most of the comics scanned.  I did stumble across some low quality water marked ones on seibertron's website as a back up plan for a bunch.  So, if you want to cruise on over to my "Comics required" page and help out with sexy hi-quality scans, I'd appreciate it.

Videos also have fallen on  the back burner, mainly due to the time I put into editing them.  I still have a bunch of footage of toys that I need to work on and am slowly plonling through them.

Game wise (yet another time drain), I am playing my way through the Witcher 3 GOTY, have restarted Breath of Fire IV (forgot what I was doing) as well as playing Wonderboy 3 the Dragon's Trap on PS4 as it's a great remake.

With all that said, keep your eyes peeled, as I'm still alive and kicking and almost have a Quick and Nasty review of POTP Sludge ready to go!

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