Saturday 26 September 2020

Quintesson Judge Judgement review

 Just a Quicky.  

A short review of the Quintesson Judge what came from Takara Tomy and changes into a base thing.  

Give it a watch, it's only 5 minutes and you've probably wasted longer time than that on shittier videos on youtube.


Saturday 19 September 2020

Volcanicus & the Dinobots Manga Translation

Oooh baby. 

Takara Tomy dropped another Select toy a while ago, and while I personally have no interest in it, I must admit it looks nice.  They also dropped another comic book, continuing the adventures of Star Convoy, King Poseidon, Super(now Omega) Megatron and now Volcanicus! 

I have taken the liberty of translating it.

Enjoy!  As usual, my random thoughts theories and ramblings after the comic.

Saturday 5 September 2020

Tets Goes to Cybertron Base Pop up shop in Tokyo Station

A small temporary wagon for buying Transformers Tat and Trinkets.  I went o have a look.  Watch the video, have a look at the pictures, have fun. Visit the website to see what else you could get.