Well, this is a story and a half. I imported this guy, along with AOA Weapon X and Sabretooth as at the time, they were the only toy representations of the Age of Apocalypse X-Men figures. If you haven't checked out those pots yet, please do so. Oddly I was fairly positive that he was made by Toybiz (now gone), but he was ACTUALLY made by Hasbro. So, there ya go. In case you were wondering.
To summarise my feels, Age of Apocalypse was the series that got me into the X-Men and comics that weren't Transformers (eventually I was a rabid Sonic comic guy too).
If I remember correctly, there was some limitation to this guy, as in shop or something. He definitely wasn't a regular release. ** Sometime later.** After a bit of searching, Sunfire here was part of a vote through ye olde toilet reading Toyfare magazine. The toilet reading is a compliment of the highest regard. I loved that goddam magazine when it was alive.
Ok let's go!