Monday 13 June 2011

Dark Of the Moon Laserbeak

I picked this guy up as I am a bit of a sucker for Soundwave’s minions.  After all I bought the awful Revenge of the Fallen Ravage and then again when they released him with chrome.  Ravage was a crappy Transformer.  Nice figure of the character but his ‘vehicle’ mode was poor.  How does Laserbeak do?  Read on…

He doesn’t do too badly really.  His vehicle mode is a vertical take off vehicle thing, which I think is fairly pointless, after all he can fly as a bird anyway and transformation is pretty simple.  It is however a better vehicle mode than Ravage.
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The paint applications are pretty good, although I notice he is absent of any Decepticon insignias.  This must be a first for the movie lines.  the fans in the wings can be spun, but they cover over the wing bits so they don’t spin freely.  The wings can be moved around quite a lot though if you so desire.  i do like the paint on the front nose.  It looks like an eye though, somewhat destroying the robot in disguise theme a little.

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Transformation consists of pulling the bird legs out of the landing feet, the wings out of the wings and the head out of the head.  It isn’t a very sleek bird mode, but it is interesting.  He looks a lot like a turkey though.  Fat body and round head.  the wings can be posed in many ways and the legs have lots of articulation too, although I see them coming loose pretty soon.

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The articulated tail and neck are pretty good and his mouth can be opened, he even has a painted tongue!  His head is ugly though!  Damn!  Fat head, squinty eyes, doesn’t look terribly menacing.  The instructions have an alternate head on them, so I suspect to see a re-colour as Buzzsaw.

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General sculpting is pretty good and it looks alien enough to pass for a Movie style Transformer.

It’s really weird though with this guy, he isn’t really all that bad, but he isn’t all that great either.  I like him, but wouldn’t rave on about it it and it’s nice having it, but I could live without it.  He is also small for a deluxe size as well.

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The Mech-Tech weapon he comes with is interesting though.  Two mini-guns that change into a Cybertronian cannon when plugged together.  They are huuuuuge and look ridiculous when mounted on Laserbeak, but they fit other Transformers quite well.

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My one though ends up with a wonky barrel as it is spring loaded.

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The holes in his feet and around his body allow for a variety of weapon load outs and his heel spurs can plug into the shoulder mounts for Sentinel Prime there.

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There is a lot of play options with this guy.  His Mech-Tech weapons are pretty cool and he interacts well with other toys, but I still have a feeling that it is just an average toy.  Nothing superb, but nothing really bad either.  Just a solid effort.  Hence my short review.  I would like to add that they have got some great silver paint on his tail.

Now for the rest of the pics.

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  1. i've seen pictures of laserbeak combined with Voyager class Optimus and Shockwave

  2. Really? I might have to do some googling, I don't have either of those so I can't test the theory, but I will have a look around. Canonicly(?) it doesn't make sense, but who cares as long as it looks good!

  3. i have Shockwave and im trying to find a laserbeak figure but their kind of rare in my area :(

  4. That is unfortunate. I haven't seen him anywhere for a while now. Might make some requests to see if this combo is possible.

  5. i was just at like five stores yesterday and he was at none of them, it was kind of like dejavu of when i was looking for megatron lol

  6. i was just at like five stores yesterday and he was at none of them, it was kind of like dejavu of when i was looking for megatron lol

  7. lol at double post, but the dejavu comment makes it extra awesome!!

    I have just found out there is the possibility of clearance pricing on the DOTM front at a local shop, so I might actually go and see if they have any Shockwaves left and test the combining theory myself!

  8. yeah my laptop was being dumb. we just got TF prime series in my area XD

  9. omg secret combination! Megatron combined with Shockwave! i made it two days ago but schools internet was down so i couldn't tell you about it then. but it looks fricken sweet! i even fit sgt noble in the chest locked in there perfectly lol i had a mad scientist moment when it happened!

  10. Certainly souonds like a mad scientist moment! Megatron and Shockwave knocked down to an exosuit for Sgt. Noble. :D

  11. kinda i fit frenzy from the first move in the chest with his little arms sticking out and pushed megatron's head back to make a seat for sgt noble. hmm maybe the ultimate autobot weapon created from three decepticons. sounds like a total transformers plot twist. What do you think?

  12. Does sound pretty good. Might have saved Megs' life at the end of DOTM if he had given it a try. ;)

  13. did u get a sw at the sale?

  14. Sadly no, Westen my plucky chum. I found one. ONE! Out of, I dunno, about 6 places I went to. That one I found was missing his mech-tech weapon...

    Curses, Shockwave is always so elusive...

    Any luck with Laserbeak? DOTM is nowhere after big discount sales now. Prime toys are slowly bleeding in now.

    Oh, grab yerself a commander Bulkhead if you see one!! Ace toy!!

  15. damn that sucks and no i haven't found lb. i finally figured out how to lock megatrons weapon in place (by turning the small ladder) i mostly shop at wal-mart and they dont have bulkhead yet, so i haven't seen it yet. but i like the prime optimus and megatron, and also bb and cj sweet bots

  16. me and my buddy are making a video. it's called transformers the untold story and should be on youtube in a week or so. the channel is Colbyjones2040. its gonna be awesome! we just have to put in some voice-overs and it will be finished.

  17. Cool, I will check it out!

  18. the video is finished but we still have to present it in chemistry class. then we'll put it up. it uses bumblebee, barricade, and sideswipe s the main characters.

  19. the video is on youtube now. it is called transformers the untold story finished. i hope you enjoy it.

  20. never mind its just transformers the untold story

  21. Just watched it. Nice. Barricade in a bucket of water? Poor guy :p

  22. yeah that was caseys idea. we were gonna throw him into a sink lol but the original video clips were deleted so we had to start over and there was stuff in the sink so we used a bucket instead lol

  23. oh and Killaturkee productions is my brain child lol

  24. i like your comment for our video. oh, and i thought of it lol.

  25. i subscribed to you on youtube. my channel is Killaturkee

  26. Wooo Thanks! One day I will work all the subscribing and liking bizzo out.

    Killaturkee? Ha ha! As in Killer turkey? Or maybe a state, like Milwaukee(dunno how to spell it :p )

    "Where do you come from?

    (Spoken like Foghorn Leghorn)"I Sir, I say I Sir come from Killaturkee".

  27. it's not like "killer turkey" but more like "kill a Turkey." it all started as some small animations i drew up in algebra class that were extremely funny, and one of my friends told me i should make a comic book and i had a main character named bob who had a disease, or disorder, where every time he sees a turkey, he shouts out randomly "Killaturkee!" lol a lot like therets syndrom. but every time he eats a mushroom "shroom" he turns into a jedi. he saves a city from a giant chicken by doing this lol
    oh and i am from indiana. and milwaukee is a city in wisconsin lol

  28. yes i just beat war for cybertron on sunday. battle against triptocon was probably the hardest boss battle i've ever played. didn't get him down till about the fifth or sixth time. it was pretty crazy lol. i nearly freaked out when Omega supreme said 100% complete in chapter eight lol.
    i had gotten stuck before at 75%, so i was pretty happy, he was alot easier to beat than to free. the game has an awesome format, attacking first as Decepticons, and then countering later as autobots. it's just sad that the core of cybertron has to fall asleep for millions of years to heal itself. i think that one of the funnest parts of chapter eight was traveling to the core on the back of giant space slugs

  29. i think i should get a blogspot account so i don't look like some kind of creaper silhouette all of the time lol. sorry i talk alot

  30. just googled bulkhead, sweet vehicle mode. definite improvement compared to transformers animated series. i like how the doors ar moved to the chest in robot form, really cool. i'm thinking about getting him especially since he's voyager class, which are only fifteen dollars here in the states.

  31. do you have a facebook? if so you can friend me. i have two. one of them is my name and the other one is Wesmeister Beast-Mode.

  32. Congrats on finishing WFC! I really like that game. I found freeing Omega really hard for some reason. Very long set piece there. My favourite section was the level where the Decepticons get chased through the whole level by Omega Supreme. Awesome stuff.

    No facebook yet. Not ready to make that jump yet :p Not even too sure what it's for TBH...

    Bulkhead is cool. Haven't seen the voyager one here in Australia yet though.

    1. i just saw the voyager class bulkhead a week or two ago. looks really cool. big improvement based on how he looked in animated. nice truck mode too

  33. ikr i didn't understand why it took so long to free him. the first time i tried to get him out i kept dying because i went to hit all of the objectives, but this time, the only time i left Ratchet's side is when i grabbed up one of the turret guns from the brutes lol and just keep shooting the decepticons. but the Space slug riding part lightened up my mood in that chapter.

    i only saw bulkhead on the internet. maybe you can order him straight from hasbro? idk

  34. i made a blog about wfc on killaturkee and transformers my two favorite things. it's cool that it is a 9/10 game but i think it could have easily made a 9.5/10 or possibly higher....

  35. found an lb on amazon but it might be gone now. hope not but it was the last one in stock for $9.99.

  36. so here's a story for you. i was looking at an old torn up pair of pants last night. they no longer fit me so i cut them into shorts and gave them to my sister. i took the bottoms of the legs, which i removed, and made capes for four of my Transformers. i made one for Megs, SW, Nitro BB, and my Barricade, who's paint faded and i made him fully black with red windshields and windows. so i made separate capes for each of them. i made them fit jus right so that the only one i have to take off is megatron's to transform him. my favorite though is Bumblebee's. i also have a pair of blue jeans, i wonder if Offroad Ironhide wants a cape. what's that 'hide? you do? awesome!

  37. HA HA HA! That sounds awesome! Please, post some pics on your blog/youtube it! I MUST SEE

  38. i gotta take photos first. can't wait to get a digital camera so i can take those pictures and others and also make better stopmotions. ironhide has a pretty cool cape. it's faded just right and lighter at the bottom where i pulled some string out, and the whole thing fits in the cab. made it last night and fit it around the the windshield. i hope to get pics so i can make a blog about it. i hope to make capes for almost all of my movie series tfs, because they fit in the theme better. maybe not jolt or roadbuster. i'll see who can use one tonight and hopefully make them. i was thinking of putting an autobot insignia on bumblebee's.

  39. i had one of those dreams last night where it gets so good then it's over. i dreamed that i went to an auction and bought the combination between armada optimus prime, jetfire, and overload with all three minicons attached. i got it for really dirt cheap and i played with them made my stop motions and then boom the dream is over i nearly and if i werent at home, would have yelled at the top of my lungs DAMMIT!!! those are the three armada figures ive wanted since they came out. you can't always get what you want lol.

  40. just bought Ravage at a swap meet

  41. yes i finally got laserbeak!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Awesome! I await combination picturessss! With anybody!

    2. i have tried with shock wave. it works somewhat but his pegs on his feet are a little loose. he can also lock into deluxe class ratchet's shoulders and carry him around in flight. i like how if you flip over the mechtech weapon, you can put the little piece at the top in bumblebee's hand like a battle rifle, or dual wield. i'll try to get my dad to let me borrow the camera so i can take pics.
      i'm trying to save up some cash so that i can buy FOC, which just came out on the 21 of august. 60 dollars! omg it's gonna be a long time.


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