I saw these going cheap on the internet and managed to convince a pal o mine that we both needed one. It was half price and considering the amount of stuff in it, I thought it was good value. It certainly has a nice box. So, what exactly is inside?
Quite a lot actually.
It has a Nendoroid Puchi figure of both Black Rock Shooter and Dead Master. A DVD and a Blur Ray, both containing the same material (the OVA and some additional extras), a full storyboard of the OVA story in a nice book form and a small art book by HUKE, who came up with the design of BRS and co.
the presentation of the set is quite good, there is a plastic cover for the box and the box itself is a strong cardboard, with good quality printing on it.
Opening the box reveals
A little star covering the Blur ray case. The blu ray appears to be region free, as is the DVD! Alright! And the main BRS movie has the option of turning on English subtitles too!
In the box above the blur ray case is the box containing the ‘puchi.’ these figures are pretty small, even smaller than the Nendoroids I have seen. my box seemed to have a little tear on the back. Odd, as it was sealed in plastics wrap and definitely hadn’t been opened before.
Under the Blur ray case is the books and some fliers of the upcoming BRS game and some more stuff that wasn’t snazzy enough for me to care about looking at.
The story board book. It is large and has the whole OVA in there in storyboard form!!
The HUKE art Book.
Finally the Puchi Nendoroid figures. next to my headless BRS figma for scale. I like that they come with the little chess board base for them to stand on. Very chuffed!
My first impressions of this set are that it is of excellent value, especially since I got it for 2400 yen + postage, I think the total came up to just under $50! The figures are cute and the books, well they are OK from what I have seen so far. The DVD seems to have more on it than the one that came with the figma figure and the Puchi figures are adorable. Well worth the effort of convincing my mate to order these in!
More to come on the figures at a later date!!
UPdate update update! Figures can be seen here!!
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