It's been an interesting little weekend. While the world tries to hide away from the uncertainty of COVID-19, I try and ignore the consistent news and debate from my friends about the pros and cons of wearing masks, I sit in my study room with the window wide open, a cup of tea on the table, and a scarf around my neck and because it is Spring with cherry blossom trees are blooming, yet I am watching it snow from my window, while listening the yells and screams of joy from the neighbours' kids playing in it. Luckily they aren't being as irritating as usual.
I am in an area that doesn't usually get snow and we've had more snow during spring than we had during winter... Truly the world has gone mad.
But just as we get all sad about being stuck indoors, or sad about running out of things to do, I can proudly provide you with some toilet reading. Alas over the internet, I cannot provide actual toilet paper. A resource more vital than water itself it would seem from the past few weeks evidence.
Read on for more!