Friday, 7 March 2025

Tets goes to "Transformers Pop-up shop" 2025

There was a pop up shop placed in the Modi OIOI (Marui) building in Shibuya during the time of 21st February until the 2nd of March 2025.    Above is the artwork advertising it.  I went there to check it out.  The primary purpose of this pop up shop is to sell credit cards.  Actually the whole building has a very CC selling focus... Just check out this escalator.

Every escalator is like that... It's almost cult-like...

A slight rant

The EPOS card is a Japanese credit card that often has cool artwork on the cards in a variety of flavours and they have just started producing 2 types of Transformers credit card.  One features the comic artwork above and the other is a black card with the Autobot and Decepticon logos on them.  To be honest, the cards looking bloody great.  However the problem with EPOS and other Japanese CC companies is they don't have the reach that companies like VISA/Mastercard have, so really there is no point (They are also kind of expensive with monthly fees and whatnot).  

Obviously I was not so interested in getting a card, already having a few and need only one.  Plus, they are hesitant to offer them to non-Japanese people.  They were offering some freebies if you applied, but you had to be successfully approved and I believe you also had to actually use the card before getting them.  That's a few too many hoops for me to be bothered jumping through, so I didn't bother.  Enough ranting about companies capitalistic tendencies...

 I went to another pop up shop a bunch of years ago, and that one was just a tiny stand, so I wasn't expecting much.