When I first saw the Combiner wars images of MM, I was sceptical. After all, where is his trailer? Then the robot mode showed up and I still wasn’t convinced. Then an (obvious) Optimus Prime remould came along and I thought, “Wow, they actually designed this toy as Motormaster first and Optimus is the cheap re-hash.”
As you can see, I obviously have a Motormaster, despite my reservations, so does he disappoint, or what?
The truck has a lot of black.
As I said in the Animated Motormaster review, I see MM here as the original Nemesis Prime. Better than that though, he is actually a different character, as opposed to a clone or something. This truck is black, very black.
On the grill he has a teeny tiny Decepticon insignia, there is also one on either side of the rear “sleeper” part of the cab.
The truck has a good amount of sculpting.
The sculpting is about what you would expect. The grill is very nice, I do appreciate the little tow hook things attached to the bumper at the front. He has some nice lines on the side, that lead your eye towards the smokestacks and Decepticon logos on the back. He also has a convincing looking connector thing for where a trailer would go.
From the back though he looks a little awkward, as you have the Menasor groin plate stacked up against the rear of the cab. It doesn’t really look like anything trucky.
Overall though, he’s a pretty nice, tough looking truck with lots of Decepticon colours.
Clear out!
Stunticons, TRANSFORM!
What I rather liked about MM’s transformation is that it is tough! It starts with the side panels flipping down in a strong, determined manner, the way the arms unfold from underneath, the cab splits in half and folds to the side revealing his broad tough chest, a little bit of twisting the forearms for orientation, then fold down the legs, finally the rather cool flipping the head over from his hidden spot in the shoulders.
It’s a very macho, powerful and fun transformation. Not too flashy, not too simple. I was pretty impressed when I first transformed him, just in the way he transformed alone. That was without taking into account the robot mode.
Motormaster is here!
What a robot mode he presents! His colours are strongly influenced by the cartoon show which means that dark colours are important, so his torso, waist and legs are a dark metallic grey (almost black) and the arms are a very nice matte silver. It’s a stark contrast and leaves no debate as to whether MM is a good or bad guy.
His back is mostly black with a few purple highlights die to it being the chest of Menasor.
His arms have the silver as previously mentioned before, but is broken up by using the joints in a rather cleaver way, segmenting each batch of silver so it isn’t overwhelming.
He isn’t THAT colourful a robot so you might think he’s boring, however he isn’t due to
Motormaster’s Robo MUSCLES
Ambient sculpting on this guy is very nice. The main area of concern is his broad chest, but he has some very nicely sculpted details in there to break up the various levels of dark and to attract the eye.
It manages to hit the right balance between enough and not too much.
His head is a head in a box. It’s nice and unfriendly looking, the forehead hangs right over the small eyes, sliver nose and frowning small mouth manage to give him a mean look, which is aided by his sharp, angular cheeks. There is a lot of personality on this toy.
That’s a well articulated truck bot.
MM comes with a lot of nice articulation.
- Ball head
- Hinged shoulders, with forward back as well as up/down.
- Bicep swivel.
- Hinged elbow (comes from transformation.
- Hinged wrists (not really THAT useful)
- Swivel waist
- Ratcheted hips, slightly hindered by sculpt, but can go in most directions .
- Thigh swivel
- Hinged knee
- Hinged middle of foot (Tfing joint)
The ability to look down on people.
OMG, it’s soooo good. Just that slight angle down of his head and he goes from looking like a horrible prick, to being an arrogant, horrible prick.
Sorry Stunticons, your boss is an arsehole, there’s just no nice way about it.
That’s a BIG Motormaster you’ve got there (not a metaphor).
Luckily, old MM here is sporting the size category of voyager, making him a size up on the other Stunticons, a fact that must irritate Dragstrip a lot. That means that when you have these guys all together, they just look awesome with MM towering over them and looking super buff.
Chop chop blam blam
MM also comes with a sword and gun. They are both silver, which is nice for the sword. The gun, well, I think it’s a little too silver. The reason for that though is that they combine together to become Menasor’s sword.
Of course they can be mounted on the vehicle mode too, but it looks awful. They just plug together and then plug into the back of the truck. It’s boring and slightly crap looking.
In summary, Motormaster is actually a rather nice toy. Even without his trailer, which made up the good parts of MM and Menasor in the olden days, it’s a cool toy. The colours manage to invoke the feeling of the cartoon well, the robot mode is bulky enough and the truck mode, well, it’s a black truck.
His size, articulation, sculpting and transformation schematic all manage to combine to make an interesting and fun Transformer that’s personality is pretty much immediately identifiable.
I can't believe how much classier this looks versus the Hasbro release. Hasbro's doesn't look bad, as such, but with an overall darker colourscheme and far more silver, this makes a far better Motormaster... Somehow he looks like a proper bruiser, rather than the clunky, blocky Combiner Wars grey brick.
ReplyDeleteHaving seen all these photos, I'm almost tempted to go looking for the Unite Warriors version of the set myself even though I have FansProjects' Causality Stunticons. Mind you, even if I did get the UW set, I'd still want to get the Perfect Effect upgrades!