Slag was actually one of the Dinobots I owned as a younger me, to be specific, I had the G2 green one somehow, perhaps soon after I had discovered the wonders of Ebay and I bought a not so good condition blue Grimlock (I suspect I got ripped off). It was at the moment, I discovered that not ALL Dinobots were equal. While I had played with a friend’s Grimlock, Swoop and my own Snarl while also knowing that Sludge was very similar to Grimlcok, I had NO idea about Slag.
Getting my hands on the G2 one showed me that it was not a very good toy. While the dinosaur mode was (naturally) awesome, robot mode left a lot to be desired.
This however is not a review of the G1/G2 toy. I got the Power of the Primes version soon after buying Sludge as I was wondering how he would turn out, after all the bar was pretty low. Luckily this guy is a pretty nice upgrade.