Saturday 21st July
Hmm, a lovely lazy day at home with a short trip to the shops to get some t-shirts. And ended up up with some little extras as well.
The morning Started with the most delightful of starts.

A bun with some melon flavoured stuff on the top. Great!
Then I turned on the TV hoping for some Saturday anime. It appears I was out of bed too late and the panel talk food shows had already started…

Then not much, but the shops revealed some good stuff. A couple of print t-shirts for less than 20 bucks and an Arms Micron Prime Vehicon toy! Woooooo! While in the shop, I thought I’d take a shot of the little Transformers section. It’s small, but that is due to the shop being a department store. The toy section was pretty much just a forgotten add-on really.

Just picked up the Vehicon as he was the one I wanted most. Will drop by an actual toy store later and grab some more and maybe others, I know I am after a Breakdown and have a small shopping list from friends.
Then some more general perusing, of 100 yen stores ( I love these places!!) and the department store taking some shots of stuff I like.

Aren’t these little hanging couches cute?
And some chairs that I wanted to send home last time, because they look rather comfy, but are too big for the post office to handle. Sad face…

And that pretty much summs up that day. nice and easy, some good stuff.