Monday 9 January 2012

Of Human Behaviour and… Cakes

It has become a recent tradition in my household to have a nice cake during the time of Christmas. Not all in the household appreciate the joys of Christmas Pudding as much as I, a fact which saddens me greatly.  Hence the gourmet cake option that is a sort of mid-way meeting thing.

Anyway, this year we decided to go to a rather well known in the area and classy bakery that goes by the name of “Jean Pierre Sancho.”  Thus we bought our cakes.

What you see there is a lemon meringue and a blueberry tart if I remember correctly.  These babies weren’t cheap and come presented nicely, as were all the cakes in the cabinet of temptation, so we chose our cakes and asked to have them prepared for take away.

Now being a gourmet looking classy shop, one would think that the cakes would be adequately protected for travel when being bought for consumption outside the realms of the shop.  Yet the boxes that our cakes were placed were notoriously open to the sky.  Then put into a paper bag.  That is fine for my tart, but not so fine for the elegant tufts of the merengue’s fluffy peaks.


Oh the devastation brought on from the lack of a roof.  I don’t know, is it just me expecting decent service?  It just seems logical that if I were to go to the effort of making such wonderful looking peaks of egg white to adorn the lemony base that I would also go to the effort of providing adequate protection for the aforementioned peaks.

I must admit, I am shocked, I thought these guys knew about cakes, obviously not as much as one would think.

As for the taste side, I read some reviews of the place and people were raving about the cakes (obviously eaten at the shop), my tart was pretty nice, not too sweet, but sweet enough.  Sadly though the meringue suffered from being too sugary for the likes of my accomplice.  Naturally we had a try of each others’ cakes and the meringue was excessively sweet.  The egg white very much so and I know that the lemon needs to be sweet, but this was bordering on the sickly sweet side of things.

Therefore with the busted peaks, borderline sickly sweetness of both white and lemon and the high price the lemon meringue scores a two and a half out of five.  Could have been higher, but since the price paid was a premium and the product received was average at best, I think that is a fair score.  I won’t be buying their lemon meringues again!  I think it could be improved by dropping the price and making it a bit smaller as it was fairly large.

The blueberry tart on the other hand scores somewhat better, much better taste, less prone to damage from a bad box (i.e more durable) and just sweet enough, it is let down by the high price.  Sure it was nice, but again not that nice.  Three out of five.

Most disappointing was the lack of appropriate protection for our cakes. Completely disappointed about the packaging.  Not scoreable.

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